Mae'n teimlo fel blynyddoedd ers i ni gerdded i mewn i 'Threshers' fel yr oedd a phenderfynu cymryd y cam a'i brynu ond mae'r awr wedi cyrraedd ble mae'r gwaith gwirioneddol wedi dechrau. Anodd iawn yw'r dasg o gadw Dylan draw o'r lle, ond chware teg, mae o wedi ymgymryd â'r dasg o chwalu popeth mae'n gallu cyffwrdd yn racs gyda brwdfrydedd sydd ychydig yn sgeri weithiau! Roedd gryn dipyn o waith tynnu hen ganolfuriau i lawr, tynnu plaster rhydd a chlirio hen bibellau.
It feels like years since we first walked into the old 'Threshers' and took the plunge by making an offer. Now, the real work has begun at last. Keeping Dylan out of the building is impossible and he has taken to the task of ripping everything down with worrying gusto - anyone would think he'd been locked in a kitchen for 25 years! So once he'd done the job of clearing old partition walls and removing piping and loose plaster, we were ready for the workers.
Dadorchuddio pethau sydd yn waith pleserus, dwi'n gweld hwn mor hyfryd ac yn atsain o'r gorffennol sy'n anodd ei ddisgrifio. Efallai na fyswn yn ofnadwy o hapus gyda rhai o'u dulliau adeiladu dyddiau yma!
Revealing funny bits like this is part of the pleasure, it's such a poignant and interesting echo from the past - not to mention spotting some pretty 'interesting' methods our past builders must have adopted at times!
Gwelwch ar y chwith o dan yr hen blaster bod mwy o wal 'plank & muntin'. Credwn fod yr adeilad gwreiddiol o'r efallai 16eg ganrif yn darfod rhywle yma.
Look carefully on the left under the plaster and you can see it is more plank & muntin partition. We believe that the original building from somewhere around the 16th century ended here.
A rhai pethau yn ddychrynllyd! Ar ôl tynnu’r planciau fyny oedd yn amlygu sut mae'r hen le 'ma wedi cael ei adeiladau, ei ddarnio, ei 'batchio' a 'bojio'. Edrych i lawr i'r darn siop o'r adeilad rydym yn fan yma, ac mae golwg fel petai rywun wedi stwffio darnau bach i mewn i'w gael yn sefydlog. Coeliwch neu beidio, mae'n teimlo'n gadarn hollol - di o ddim yn neud llawer i fy nerfau!
Peep-po! |
Barod i dynnu'r hen ffenest allan! Mae CADW wedi rhoi grant i ni atgyfodi'r hen ffenest oedd pawb yn hoffi gymaint.
Ready to take the old window out. CADW have generously supplied a grant to resurrect the original window.
Gwelwch ble mae'r wal frics wrth y ffenest, bydd agoriad i'r estyniad gwydr yma a mynediad i'r siop seler.
The brick wall by the window is where we will knock through to the glass extension and the stairs down to the cellar shop.
Ar ôl y clirio Wyn Rowlands oedd y cyntaf i mewn i ddechrau gwaith a rhoi trawstiau dur i sicrhau diogelwch yr adeilad.
After the clearing, Wyn Rowlands was first on site to come and put the steel structure in place to will hold the building up safely.
Yn y cychwyn, roedd yn edrych yn debyg bod un o'r trawstiau mawr yma wedi cael ei dorri a dim byd wedi ei wneud i'w gysylltu â'r ochr arall o'r llawr. Poeni wedyn am beth oedd yn dal popeth i fyny! Ond, ar ôl tynnu plaster amlygodd y pin enfawr yma sydd wedi'i daro i mewn i ben y trawst ac yn bachu gwaelod y llawr. Roeddwn dal yn falch o weld trawstiau Wyn yn eu lle!
Initially, we were alarmed to see that a huge beam seemed to have been cut off and simply ended in mid-air. This led to question the security of the upper floors. So on removing the casing, we were relieved to see the presence of this massive pin that has been hammered into the end of the beam a provides support for the added floor. I am still happier with Wyn's steel girders in place!
This was what was holding it up! |
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Closer view |
The date earmarked for the opening of the new shop is 14th July 2014. Bastille Day. I like that! (Not forgetting an old friend's birthday - we haven't forgotten you Ken!). For now, in the absence of any customers for Dylanwad Da, we have decided to open as a shop/cafe/bar there and are open 10 - 4 from Tuesdays to Saturdays until the new Dylanwad is ready. We are also going to have free mini-tastings on Friday evenings so call by to say hello.
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