Thursday, 3 January 2013

Blwyddyn Newydd Dda! Happy New Year!


Wel, mae pethau wedi bod yn dawel braidd fel yr ydym yn aros i gael cynlluniau i roi ger y Parc Cenedlaethol ond mawr obeithiwn cawn weld datblygiad yn y misoedd cyntaf o'r flwyddyn newydd yma. Rydym hefyd wedi bod yn brysur yn Dylanwad efo partioedd nadolig a datblygu un ochr o'r busnes fel siop i ddechrau datblygu syniadau. Mae'n rhaid dweud, cawsom hwyl ar werthu anrhegion nadolig, roedd y siop yn brysur, sy'n addawol iawn i siop newydd gobeithio! 

Mae ambell un ohonnoch yn gofyn beth yw'r cynllun ac, yn FWY PWYSIG! Beth sy'n digwydd i Dylanwad Da? So, dyma'r plan!

Bydd busnes newydd o'r enw Gwin Dylanwad Wine yn agor yn yr hen Threshers. Siop, selar win a lle i eistedd a chael gwydrad gyda tamad ysgafn i fwyta (caws/jamon ayb). Y bwriad yw bod dim gwaith coginio trwm - dwi'n trio cadw'r hen Dyl mewn siap go dda gweld ei fod ddim yn 'en primeur' ddim rhagor ond mae dal potensial dda iddo wella gyda oedran gyda storej gofalus a handlo reit ddelicat. Bydd, os cawn ganiatad, ystafell flasu ffurfiol fyny grisiau a hefyd cwpl o ystafelloedd bach cyfforddus i grwpiau o ffrindiau ayb eistedd.

Targed i agor? Tachwedd 2013. A'r bwyty Dylanwad Da? Ei roi ar y farchnad i werthu fel ac y mae o yn y flwyddyn nesaf yma. Ia, a hithau'n 25 mlynedd arnom ym mis Awst! Ond dyna ni, mae angen gwneud lle i rhywun newydd a byse'n gret meddwl am berson ifanc lleol efallai. Nabod rhywun??

It's been pretty quiet whilst we await the plans to present to the Snowdonia National Park but we're hoping that we shall soon be able to see some developments in the first months of the year. We have also been busy with Christmas parties and with the side of the restaurant we have developed into a shop. I'm pleased to say that it's been very busy, which is very encouraging and hopefully a sign of things to come in the new premises.

One or two of you have been asking about what the timescale is and, more importantly, what are we planning to do with the restaurant! So, here we go!

A new business will be opened under the name Gwin Dylanwad Wine in the old Threshers building. Primarily a shop, wine cellar and a place to sit and enjoy quality wines and have a light bite to eat, the idea is to not have a heavy burden of cooking - I'm trying to keep Dylan in good shape as he's no longer 'en primeur', there's still good potential for developing some rough tannic edges to mellow fruitfulness with careful handling and storage.

Target to open? November 2013. And the restaurant Dylanwad Da? We shall put it on the market to sell as a going concern this year after 25 years of cooking this August! Time for a young and enthusiastic chef to take over. Know anyone?? 


Rwan, da chi'n cofio'r enw Rosie's, y ddynes siop ddillad? Ar ol dipyn o holi, roedd Dylan wrth ei fodd i gael llun o Rosie ei hunan diolch i Margaret Roberts, merch John Roberts, perchennog Cigydd Roberts, Dolgellau sy'n dal yn nwylo'r un teulu heddiw.

Remember Rosie's? The woman that owned the clothes business? After some enquiries, Dylan was delighted to be given a photograph of her. This was thanks to Margaret Roberts, daughter of the late John Roberts who owned the butcher's shop in Dolgellau square.

Gallwch weld Rosie a'i gwr yn y llun a John Roberts ar y dde. Roedd yn mynd ar ei wyliau gyda nhw pan oedd yn hogyn ifanc. Credwn eu bod ar y ffordd i Iwerddon ac efallai maent yn sefyll o flaen siop yn Gretna Green. Diolch Margaret am y llun, roedd yn dod a atgofion o dy dad yn ol hefyd a dwi'n siwr bydd sawl un wrth eu boddau yn ei weld.

You can see Rosie and her husband in the photograph with John Roberts on the right. He used to go on holiday with them when he was a young boy. We think they may have been on their way to Ireland and this picture could be at Gretna Green in front of the old Blacksmith's shop. Thank you for kindly allowing us to have a copy of this photograph Margaret, it's lovely to see and I know lots of other readers will be delighted.


  1. Pob lwc blwyddyn newydd dda I love your blog post. Hope to see you soon x Catherine

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