Gwin Cymreig 2016/Welsh Wine Awards
Yn bendant mae llawer gennym i fod yn falch
ohono am gynnyrch Cymreig. Yn Gwin Dylanwad, nid oes angen nac awydd arnom i
edrych am gaws o unrhyw wlad ond Cymru - mae digon yma o safon uchel: o gaws
caled Hafod i gaws glas Boxberg (enw od, ond yn wir, mae’n Gymreig). Ond nawr, cawn ychwanegu gwin i gynnyrch
arbennig Cymru gyda balchder. Roedd cadarnhad o hyn yn y diwrnod gwobrwyo
gwinoedd Cymreig a chafodd eu cynnal yng ngwinllan Llannerch ger Caerdydd.
We have a great deal to be proud of when it comes to Welsh produce. For example, here in Dylanwad Wine, Doglellau we have no need to go beyond the borders of Wales to find excellent cheese - there is a vast choice of the highest quality ranging from Hafod Cheddar to the blue Boxberg (funny name but it is Welsh I assure you) to name but two. However, we can now also boast a new addition to quality Welsh products: our Welsh wines. This was confirmed during the Welsh Wine Awards that were held at the Llannerch vineyard near Cardiff.
We have a great deal to be proud of when it comes to Welsh produce. For example, here in Dylanwad Wine, Doglellau we have no need to go beyond the borders of Wales to find excellent cheese - there is a vast choice of the highest quality ranging from Hafod Cheddar to the blue Boxberg (funny name but it is Welsh I assure you) to name but two. However, we can now also boast a new addition to quality Welsh products: our Welsh wines. This was confirmed during the Welsh Wine Awards that were held at the Llannerch vineyard near Cardiff.
Robb Merchant o winllan White Castle yw
Cadeirydd Cymdeithas Gwinllannoedd Cymru ac roedd naws broffesiynol y
digwyddiad yn rhoi statws a hygrededd i’r cynnyrch. Nododd Dylan roedd y teimlad yn union yr un
fath a bod mewn digwyddiad tebyg yn Ewrop. Hefyd, roedd yn plesio’n fawr i weld
geiriad ar y tlysau yn yr iaith Gymraeg.
Robb Merchant from White Castle is now the Welsh Vineyards Association’s (WVA) Chairperson and there was an air of professionalism to the event that really gave the industry status and credibility. Dylan noted that it felt no different to other professional events of the kind in Europe - and so good to see the wording on a cup in Welsh too!
Cawsom y fraint o flasu gwinoedd o bob rhan
o Gymru gan gynnwys gwinaeaf cyntaf Gwinllan Conwy. Roedd yna win pefriog base’n cystadlu gyda Siampen
efo mws yn llenwi’r geg yn ogystal â blas ac arogl burum yn deillio o’r dechneg
o’i aeddfedu yn y botel dros bum mlynedd ar y gwaddod a hyn i greu cymhlethdod
yn y blas. Pleser oedd gweld gwin coch
gyda blas derw ac yn arwydd fod y gwinwyr yn cychwyn arbrofi i greu gwinoedd
gwahanol a newydd i Gymru.
We were privileged to taste wines from the length and breadth of Wales including the first vintage from the Conwy Vineyard. There was a sparkling that would compete favourably with many a quality Champagne: lovely full mousse and a nice yeasty quality that arises from maturing in the bottle over five years to create complexity of flavour.
Llongyfarchiadau mawr i’r bobl arbennig yma
am eu hangerdd. Yn lle eich tipl
arferol, rhowch gynnig i gaws Hafod gyda Pinot Noir Précoce Robb a Nicola
Merchant o White Castle. Mae hwn wedi ei
aeddfedu mewn casgenni derw gyda digon o gorff a blas i sefyll i fyny i’r
cynnwys cryf o’r cheddar organig yma.
Parwch gregyn gleision o’r Fenai gyda’r Solaris a gynhyrchwyd gan Colin
a Charlotte Bennett o Winllan Conwy. Yfwch Tintern Parva Dathliad neu Ancre
Hill Blanc de Blancs i’ch dathliad arbennig nesaf neu jest i roi wmff bach i’ch
hunan a mwynhau bywyd! Mae gymaint sy’n
newydd a chyffroes yma i flasu yn ogystal a gwinoedd o lefydd mwy traddodiadol.
Prynwch winoedd llethrau Cymru a
dathlwch weledigaeth criw bach sy’n rhoi ein gwlad ar y map.
This special cluster of people need congratulating for their passion and hard work. Instead of your normal day to day tipple, give Robb and Nicola Merchant's Pinot Noir Précoce from White Castle a go with your Hafod cheese. This wine has been aged in oak casks and has enough body and flavour to stand up to this strong organic cheddar. Pay Menai Mussels the respect they deserve with a fine bottle of Solaris from Colin and Charlotte Bennett's Conwy Vineyard. Drink Parva Dathliad or Ancre Hill Blanc de Blancs for your next special occasion or just for the hell of it on a Sunday afternoon! There is so much that is new and exciting here to taste. Buy wines from the slopes of Wales and celebrate the vision of a small group of people who are putting our country on the map.
This special cluster of people need congratulating for their passion and hard work. Instead of your normal day to day tipple, give Robb and Nicola Merchant's Pinot Noir Précoce from White Castle a go with your Hafod cheese. This wine has been aged in oak casks and has enough body and flavour to stand up to this strong organic cheddar. Pay Menai Mussels the respect they deserve with a fine bottle of Solaris from Colin and Charlotte Bennett's Conwy Vineyard. Drink Parva Dathliad or Ancre Hill Blanc de Blancs for your next special occasion or just for the hell of it on a Sunday afternoon! There is so much that is new and exciting here to taste. Buy wines from the slopes of Wales and celebrate the vision of a small group of people who are putting our country on the map.

Gwaith David Cowderoy, Michael Harrison a Linda Johnson-Bell (gwinwr, prynwr i Bibendum ac awdur gwin yn ôl eu trefn) oedd penderfynu ble roedd y clod am ddisgyn allan o'r 41 gwin yn y gystadleuaeth.
David Cowderoy, Michael Harrison a Linda Johnson-Bell (wine maker, wine buyer and wine author respectively) had the unenviable task of judging the 41 wines entered.
Gwinoedd Gwyn/White
Castle Gwin Gwyn 2014,
White 2015
Solaris 2015
Parva Afon Gwyn 2014
Parva Bacchus 2014
Vale Solaris 2014 [Trophy]
Gwinllan Conwy Rosé 2015
Gwinllan Conwy Rosé 2015
Parva Bwthyn Rhosyn 2015 [Trophy]
Gwinoedd Coch/Red Wines
Vale Red Kite 2014
Castle Rondo 2014
Castle Pinot Noir Précoce
2014 [Trophy]
Rhosliw Byrlymus/Sparkling
Rose Dim gowbr/No Awards
Byrlymus Gwyn/Sparkling
Hill Blanc de Blancs 2009
Parva Dathliad 2013 [ Trophy]