Wel, ble 'da ni wedi bod?! Ateb? Rhedeg y busnes ac yn panicio! Er ein bod wrth ein bodd gyda'r lle, mae'n rhaid dweud fod rhedeg siop a bar yn bur wahanol i redeg bwyty. Un o'r manteision nawr ar ôl setlo yw'r gallu i adael y lle gyda'n staff hollol ddibynadwy a mynd i ffwrdd. Rydym newydd ddychwelyd o ffair win ym Montpellier ac roedd Gwin Dylanwad Wine yn parhau i agor fel arfer. Bydd Terri ac Emma yn mynd i Vinitaly efo Dyl ym mis Ebrill fel eu bod ddim yn colli allan!
Where have we been?! Running the business is the answer and this has been a steep learning curve. Even though we have come from a restaurant background, we've
never run a bar before and certainly not a full blown shop. Having said
that, we're getting used to it and really enjoying the experience. It's
a totally different game but it is allowing us a bit more freedom (not a lot yet but we'll get there) - our
fantastic team of staff last week ran
the place for the half-term week while we visited a wine fair in
Montpellier. They shouldn't feel too hard-done-by because Emma and Terri
are going to Vinitaly with Dylan in April!
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Ar agor ar 3 llawr/Open on 3 floors |
Mae'r siop win yn y seler wedi gweithio'n arbennig o dda, nid yn unig oherwydd tymheredd perffaith i win ond hefyd mae'r lle yn siwtio. Ar ôl gwneud camgymeriadau ffôl fel rhoi'r pacedi cardbord Halen Môn lawr na rydym wedi rhoi silffoedd yn y darn gwydr ar y llawr cyntaf. Byddaf yn defnyddio'r pacedi Halen Môn 'na am byth! Dyna ni, pawb yn dysgu rhywsut!
We're really pleased with the cellar wine shop, it suits the product and is a good constant temperature for keeping wine. We made our mistakes! Like putting the Halen Môn (Welsh seasalt) down there - I'm still working my way through the damp-damaged packets! Cellars and cardboard packaged salt don't go, so we now have nice shelving in the glasshouse for the other food products.
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Siop seler/Cellar shop |
Yn y bar, gwelwch dair oergell fach tu nol i Caryl (sy'n canolbwyntio ar gael y gwydrau'n berffaith lan). Caniateir y rhain i ni gadw fyny i 15 gwin ar agor ar y tro am 3 wythnos. Felly, gallwn gynnig blasu bach yn y bar o winoedd unrhyw bryd yn ogystal â detholiad eang o winoedd da fesul gwydred neu botel.
In the bar, you can see the wine pods behind Caryl (who is diligently cleaning glasses). This preservation system allows us to keep up to 15 wines open for 3 weeks. We can therefore offer mini-tastings in the bar at any time and a nice range of quality wines to drink by the glass or the bottle.
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Wine Pods - Preservation System |
Fyny grisiau mae'r ystafell flasu ble mae Dylan yn cynnal sesiynau blasu gyda sgwrs am y gwinoedd. Daeth y bwrdd mawr i mewn trwy'r ffenest ar y chwith a ni fydd yn symud o'r fan am hir iawn. Rydym wedi cynnal sesiynau blasu i ddysgwyr yr iaith Gymraeg a siaradwyr cyntaf - fel dwi'n ffond iawn o ddweud, rhugl ar ôl un gwydred! Rydym hefyd yn llogi'r ystafelloedd yma i gyfarfodydd neu bartis preifat.
Upstairs, we have the tasting room with a superb boardroom table that had to be hoisted in through the window on the left. I doubt if it will ever leave the building now. Dylan hosts tutored tasting sessions here and we have also conducted wine tastings for Welsh learners and fluent speakers. Fluent after a glass! The rooms upstairs are also available for private hire for family gatherings or meetings.
Ystafell Presagio gwelwch isod. Wedi'i enwi ar ôl y winllan yn Sbaen o ble mae Dylan yn prynu Rioja. Mae'r llawr derw yn yr ystafell hon yn dyddio nôl i tua 1600. Jest stafell i bobl orffwys gyda diod.
Below is the Presagio room, named after the vineyard from where Dylan buys his Rioja. It has a lovely oak floor dating back to the 1600s. A room to sit and relax in with a glass of wine.
Ac ystafell Bossotti yw'r nesaf, wedi'i enwi ar ôl y teulu o'r Eidal o ble mewnforiwyd ein gwinoedd cyntaf. Ar y waliau, gwelwch luniau Huw Lewis-Jones, artist lleol.
The room below is the Bossotti Room, named after the Italian family vineyard in Piedmonte from where we first imported wine. The pictures are by Hugh Lewis-Jones, a local artist.
Methu peidio rhoi llun o Dyl tu nol y bar!
Couldn't resist a photo of Dylan behind the bar!
Mae wir wedi bod yn flwyddyn brysur. Rydym mor falch o’r diwedd i orffen y cyfieithiad o'r llyfr Bwyd a Gwin. Mae lansiad y llyfr yn Gwin Dylanwad Wine ar y 1af o Fawrth 2016. Fel arall, gallwch alw i weld ni yn Waterstones Caerdydd neu yn un o'r sesiynau arwyddo trwy'r flwyddyn. Bydd gwybodaeth fel maent yn cael eu trefnu. Dewch am lymed bach a 'nibbles' o'r llyfr.
It really has been a busy year. I thought the translation would never materialise, but here it is. The launch is in Gwin Dylanwad Wine, Dolgellau on St David's Day, 1st March 2016. If you can't make that, call in at the signing in Waterstones, Cardiff on the 5th March for a taster of Rioja and a nibble of something from the book! There will be other signings in bookshops throughout the year and we shall post information about them. I hope people enjoy the stories, wine information and recipes as much as they did with the Welsh version.
'Rarebit & Rioja' |