Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Siop/Bar Gwin - The Bar/Wine Shop

Llawr Cyntaf/Ground Floor

Dyma'r llawr ble mae'r shop bresennol. Yr hen silffoedd dal i mewn a'r wal (ddu?) tu nol.  Duw a wyr beth sydd tu nol i'r gweddill o'r cladding. Dechreuwyd drafodaethau am beth sy'n bosib efo Rhys Davies y pensaer o Bala wythnos diwethaf a mae cyfarfod arall mwy ffurfiol wythnos nesaf.

This is the ground floor and was the shop area when it was Threshers. We intend to take down a lot of the studding and open it out to the back hopefully. We started talks with the tried and trusted architect Rhys Davies from Bala today. Wondering if there's any point keeping the old shelving?

Bocs gwag pren Fonseca yn edrych yn unig iawn! 

The Fonseca Port box looks rather forlorn!

Bocs gwag Fonseca empty box.

Mae'r hen gegin staff yn cysylltu y siop bresennol a'r darn sydd ar y dde wrth edrych ar yr adeilad. Dwi'n siwr oedd rhywun yn ganol gwneud paned pan adawsom. Roedd Tess wedi gadael neges ar Facebook yn son am amseroedd hapus oedd wedi cael yma, mwy i ddod gobeithio!

The old staff kitchen here connects the shop area and the boarded up lean-to.  I swear someone was about to make tea when the orders to lock up and go came. Tess left a Facebook message about how sad it was to see it and what good memories she has of working here. I shall make a point of inviting her down for a free drink when we open!

Swyddfa yn y cefn, tu ol i'r siop. Mae rhywun yn gweld oed y lle yn dechrau amlygu yma.  Efallai agor trwodd i'r cefn yn hollol, neu efallai byse toiled yn mynd yma - dwi'n cymeryd bydd rhaid cael un ar y llawr yma. Mae digon o le i swyddfa ar y trydydd llawr.

This old office behind the shop area begins to reveal the age of the building. There may well be a case for bringing in an archaeologist which will be very interesting. We can possibly get rid of the studding to reveal this either as part of the shop or we do have to remember that we probably have to fit in a toilet somewhere on the ground floor.

Yr ochr i'r dde o'r siop gwelwch yn y ddau lun nesaf. Roedd siop bwydydd cyflawn yma flynyddoedd yn ol a does gennai ddim syniad beth oedd yna gynt. Mae ambell i stori yn dechrau cael ei adrodd i ni am yr adeilad rwan. Os oes rhywun efo lluniau neu atgofion/gwybodaeth am y lle o gwbl gyrrwch neges, neu galwch. Byddwn yn dechrau ffurfio cynllun yn fuan a mae unrhyw wybodaeth yn werthfawr iawn.

This is the right hand side of the building now in the next two pictures, where that old boarded off lean-to is now. I remember it only as a wholefoods shop at one time but that's a while ago now, when Threshers was Terry Platt's. If anyone has any old pictures or information/stories we'd love to hear from you - information about the past may well inform what we will do in the future.

Edrych i mewn i'r 'lean-to' - Looking into the 'lean-to'

Un ffordd o gadw silffoedd fyny! Novel shelving!

Peidiwch ac ecseitio gormod, ond efallai byddaf efo fideo ar y blog nesa. Dyl yn blasu gwin am y tro cyntaf yn ein siop newydd.

If all goes to plan, the next blog could well involve a video of Dylan (just a bit of wine tasting, nothing lewd) - let's see if I can master the technology!

Sunday, 10 June 2012


Teimladau Cynnar & Selar Gwin
Initial Survey & Wine Cellar

Ar ol Gwyl Y Banc prysur, cawsom amser dydd Sul i gael sprog go iawn a tynnu lluniau 'before and after'. Mae golwg erchyll yna a llanast ym mhobman: pethau wedi tynnu oddi ar y waliau, cyfrifiaduron wedi taflu i gornel, hen till rolls, pethau te wedi eu gadael yn y fan a'r lle.

We haven't really had time to come and prod around over the holiday. How come when the money's been paid and the keys handed over your eyes suddenly become keenly aware of the deficiencies? A lot is superficial mess though, when a business goes bankrupt I suppose everyone just walks out - and that's just what it feels like (cold shiver at that thought).

Dyl inspecting the wine shelving.

You win(e) some....

Blinkin hec! Tom a fi di ecseitio'n lan i weld y botel ma:
Tom: 'Wow! Ma na botel HUGE o siampên fyny fanna, a ma'r ffoil dal yn gyfa ar y corcyn!'  
Llin: 'Da wan! Agor o i ddathlu?'  
Ond, hen un blastig i arddangos oedd.  Hei ho!

This bottle of Champagne caused Tom and I great excitement until we found it was a plastic display model!  Speaks volumes about the two of us I suppose!

Dechrau yn y Gwaelod
Start at the Bottom

Dyma'r selar, y stafell fwyaf pwysig, a breuddwyd Dyl.  Ahh, dwi'n meddwl bod o isio cysgu yma o hyn ymlaen. Off a chdi ta ngwas bach i! Cawn ddechrau defnyddio hwn yn eithaf sydyn dwi'n meddwl.

Here's Dyl's pride and joy, he's wanted a cellar for so long.  When we bought our house in Cae Deintur, he even (seriously I believe) talked about digging out the bank and inserting a metal container in the hillside. I think I'm going to have trouble stopping him camping down here at night.

Selar o dan y siop/Cellar under main shop

Mor falch i weld bod y selar yn sych ar ol y glaw diweddar. Mae'r siop mewn ardal llifogydd. Drws yn y pendraw i hwyluso dod a gwin i mewn.

So relieved the cellar was dry after recent rains.  I kept visiting to check. Nice bit of dry rot on the left! We should be able to clear and use this quite quickly for storage. Good or unnerving to see great big metal girders holding up the ceiling and acrow props at the far end??

Be sy'n mynd mlaen yma? Another dodgy looking hole!

Gegin Newydd Dyl?
Dyl's New Kitchen?

Ma na ffwrn a teils bric coch ar y llawr, yn union fel Dylanwad Da felly dyle deimlo'n gartrefol yma. Dal yn y selar, mae hwn efo potensial da i fod yn gegin (paid ac edrych fel yna arnai Dylan, fydd popeth yn champion).

Well, it's got a stove hasn't it? These two pictures are of the cellar under the lean-to part of the shop. It could well be a kitchen for preparing tapas and coffees etc. I actually like that old range. Dyfrig told us that this was once living quarters. My only worry is the proximity of the wine cellar to the chef.

Dychmygwch Jamon yn cael ei dorri yn y gornel/Imagine your Jamon being sliced in the corner.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Gwin Dylanwad Wine

Prosiect Gwin Newydd yn Nolgellau
New Wine Project in Dolgellau

Hen siop win Dolgellau/Old wine shop Dolgellau
Sut well i ddechrau blog gwin nac efo  blasu newydd sbon Dylanwad? Unig broblem di - newydd brynu hen siop gwerthu gwin Threshers da ni, a mae llond trol o waith i neud yna, a llond sied o arian i wario. Felly, cadw blog, gan ddechrau ar y diwrnod cyntaf - sef y diwrnod da ni'n cael goriad i'r drws. Ymunwch a ni i ddilyn helyntion, a rhannu ein profiadau (edrychwn ymlaen i sylwadau a mae  croeso i chi wneud unrhyw awgrymiadau!) tan yr agoriad. Gobeithio cawn weld trawsnewid o hen siop gwerthu gwin, i fan lle cewch flasu a mwynhau gwin efo ni - da ni di cynhyrfu'n lan!

We couldn't think of anything to write about in a blog that was linked to wine but wasn't already happening - so we bought the old Threshers wine shop in Dolgellau. You can now follow our (probably slow) progress through dry rot, wood worm, rising damp and bulging walls, to the opening of a wine tasting house in which we can indulge and share our passion for wine with you. This blog starts on the completion date for buying the building, but more importantly, on Llin's father's birthday. Penblwydd Hapus Dad! Bring us luck or there's no more free samples for you!