Er mwyn gallu mesur a gweld yn union beth sydd yma, mae'n rhaid cael gwared o'r silffoedd a does dim dewis ond eu malu'n racs i'w cael allan. Dwi'n meddwl bod hyn yn rhoi mwynhad mawr i Dylan sydd i weld wrth ei fodd yn waldio pethau nes ma nhw'n deilchian - a fo'n ddyn mor dawel ac addfwyn! Oes neges yma?
With me at the helm in the very important role of supervisor Dylan begins to take down the old shelving. No hope of salvaging any of it and actually, I don't think we want to. We're doing so much to the whole place anyway, we prefer to have exactly the shelving that we want there. When this is down Rhys can measure and we can see what we're dealing with more.
Dylan yn gweithio//Dylan working |
Mae'r llun isod yn dangos ar y dde wrth ddod i mewn trwy drws Threshers, a mae sefyllfa reit od yma! Yn amlwg roedd drws neu ffenest yma ar un adeg yn edrych tuag at y Sgwar.
This is just on the right as you walk in through the door and it is becoming apparent that there was once a door or a window facing the direction of the square. How interesting!
Dyma ni - gallwch weld ble sydd wedi bricio i gau twll rwan - a'r darnau bach mwya od wedi stwffio mewn - da chi'n gweld y planc pren gwyn na efo 'bow' bach arno? Dros ben o pryd oedd siop ddillad yma efallai?
Here's the full view of the bricked area, you can just see Pobty'r Dref out of the window on the right so that you can get some sense of direction. Some sad little remnants pop up every now and again; can you see the little bow on the white plank above the bricked in area? From the days of being a drapers maybe?
This looks very much like yet another entrance to the cellar, probably from the outside. One or two people have talked of steps going down from the outside with railings.
Mae'r plastar yn rhydd ac yn disgyn oddi ar y waliau tu nol i ble roedd y silffoedd.
This was what was behind the shelving: the plaster falls off with a touch!
Mae lliw ar y wal yn ddiddorol, fel pwdwr glas golau a pinc, hen liwiau dwi'n dychmygu.
On the walls there are very pale powdery colours: pink and blue.
Oh! Dwi'n caru pethau bach fel hyn! Darn bach o bapur wal ar ol o amser gynt.
I love little bits like this! Beautiful little glimpse of a previous life. How pretty it is!
Chi'n cofio fi'n son am y Plank & Muntin (ges i row am beidio roi'r & mewn tro blaen)? Wel dyma fo ar y ffordd lawr i'r selar.
Here's the much admired Plank & Muntin which dates back a considerable time. Personally, I'm more into my scraps of wallpaper. Still, it's quite impressive, just wish we had a whole wall of it like Ty Newydd.
Diolch o galon unwaith eto am y sylwadau ac awgrymiadau mae gymaint ohonnoch yn gwneud. Mae gymaint wedi digwydd yma dros y blynyddoedd a llwyth o newidiadau wedi eu gwneud i'r adeilad yn ogystal a llawer o atgofion am y lle. Daliwch ymlaen i gysylltu oherwydd mae'n help mawr.
Thank you so much for all of the comments and suggestions. So many people are taking an interest and helping to develop a picture of the history of this lovely building, both of the people who lived and worked here and the actual building. Keep them coming, it's a great help and so interesting.